Thursday, February 5, 2015

Marketing Ranches for Sale: It Takes a Lot of Branding and Management

The beef cattle market has its ups and downs. During the last weeks of 2014, it was surely one of the market’s “downs.” November was great, as the fed trade set new record-highs and finished at $171/cwt. However, right before Christmas, the prices settled back to just $158/cwt., which experts believe is the bottom for the cattle market. For 2015, the state of the market stays unpredictable. Some experts believe that the beef prices will be strong in 2015 until 2016, as pastures are being restocked and herds are being rebuilt. The number of cow slaughter may be fewer, since the national herd is smaller, but ranchers are actively pursuing efforts to restock, such as retaining more (old) heifers that may produce at least one more calf.


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