Wolf Mountain Ranch

The Wolf Mountain Ranch is truly a western big-game hunter’s paradise situated in an incredibly scenic mountain setting. The property is comprised of approximately 9,280 deeded acres, located in the heart of the Little Wolf Mountains in southeastern Montana.

Six Shooter Ranch

At over 36,000 contiguous deeded acres, Six Shooter Ranch is a vast and beautiful intermountain hunting/recreation/wilderness property located just a short drive from the renowned charm and sophistication of Bend, Oregon.

JE Canyon Ranch

With over 46,700 deeded acres, the JE Canyon Ranch represents one of Colorado’s largest private ranches and wildlife preserves on the market today. Situated in southeastern Colorado’s canyon country, the property includes unique red rock canyons that rival those in southern Utah.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Home on the Range: The Ranch Life is For You

Living in a ranch, let alone owning one, is a dream that few people ever get to realize. It's a shame, too, because the ranch life can be quite fun and rewarding, especially for those who enjoy being out in the open and enjoying some of the more natural things in life. For urban and rural dwellers alike who want to be home on the range, here are three things you can do while living the ranch life.

Rolling up Hay Bales.

With all the grazing livestock running around your ranch, you'd need lots of fodder to keep them healthy. Making gigantic hay bales is nothing out of the ordinary. It's definitely not something you'll be able to do just anywhere, especially not the city,

Horseback Riding.

Enjoy the fresh air by taking a good horse through the woods, grasslands, and other open areas of the ranch. For sure, not a single car or SUV can rival this experience.

Cattle Herding.

If you want to try a hand at being a cowboy or cowgirl, then you should definitely try herding and mustering cattle. This will definitely give you a new appreciation of how much work is done to get that burger on your plate.

The ranch life is definitely the good life, and it is something which everyone in the world can definitely learn to enjoy. If you have the opportunity to buy a ranch and run it yourself, then give it a shake.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cattle Farming Is a Rewarding Experience

Food production always has a lot of potential to be a lucrative business as the demand for the product is always inelastic. People with ample land and resources are encouraged to delve into farming, not only because of the income potential, but for the invaluable role the agricultural sector plays for the rest of society.
With so much to learn and do, ranching is generally a highly engaging activity. While many of the basic principles of herding developed by ancient civilizations still apply, modern livestock breeding and raising involves a great deal of science that resulted from millennia of research and discovery. At the same time, the industry is always mindful of the impact agricultural activity has on the ecosystem, and strives to be as “green” as possible in all its processes.
Land that is not ideally suited for cash crops is often maintained as grassland for cattle farming. To succeed in the business, however, one must, from the very beginning, bear in mind that undertaking such endeavor is no small feat. Although cattle raising does not look as labor intensive as growing crops, certain rigorous tasks are involved; and it's going to take some time before one can reap the benefits of this hard work.
Most ranchers focus on a specific type of cattle farming. Some raise beef cattle while others might want to put all efforts towards producing dairy products, or even just breeding. Regardless of the specificity of the path one cattle farmer wishes to take, investing in cattle is bound to be profitable in the long run as the demand for cattle products will surely continue to rise.

Friday, September 20, 2013

How Buying a Ranch Can Change a Person’s Life

Investors are not so wild about the idea of buying a ranch simply because the financial returns are not as high as with other proven investments. However, there are still individuals who exhaust large portions of their savings for a property that, for them, is so much more than a money-generating asset. They perceive the ranch as a realization of a life-long dream and more.

One reason people buy ranches is they want to manage a property that is far from the hustle and bustle of the city. While running a ranch is indeed no easy feat, owners are just happy to try their hand at something that would enable them to roam around a large space instead of working in front of a computer inside a steel and glass office building.

Having a ranch also allows people to commune with nature and realize that the best things in life do not always come with hefty price tags. Listening to wild bird calls in the morning, smelling the fresh richness of the earth, or seeing cattle peacefully grazing may all seem mundane and ordinary, but are priceless experiences for city born people.

Buying a ranch can also trigger drastic lifestyle changes that would test the would-be rancher's ability to adapt to new environments. If and when he overcomes this challenge, a rancher will emerge stronger than ever, a man who can take on whatever life will throw at him.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Things to Consider Before Buying a Ranch

While most people find purchasing a condo or a house rather overwhelming; imagine the stress involved when you're looking to purchase a ranch. While the prospect of owning a self-sustaining residence and business is appealing, there are a few things to consider when buying a ranch. As such, here are a few reminders for potential ranch buyers:

Ranches are very big, very expensive investments. As such, always have a budget ready before purchasing a ranch, and stick to that budget. Aside from the cost of the ranch itself, you may need to purchase livestock or necessary equipment separately. Don't spend your entire budget on just the ranch!

Do your research beforehand. Try to determine the type of soil the ranch has, the frequency of precipitation, etc. Many crops and certain livestock require very particular conditions to grow properly. Knowing these things early allows you to plan ahead on what kind of ranch or farm you can build.

Although there are tax savings when owning a ranch, some people overestimate these tax savings, and overspend in other areas. Always review your plans with an expert in agricultural taxes to be able to plan better.

Ranches are highly profitable if a system is well-planned and properly executed. As such, always be mindful of expenses and your budget, especially if you aim to make the ranch your only source of income. Remember that you pay bills on a regular basis, but sales typically only come twice or thrice a year.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Fun activities to pursue in Wyoming

If you’re looking for the one state in the Union where you don’t have to worry about the neighbors complaining about you, Wyoming may fit the bill. The Cowboy State is locked in by the Eastern Rockies occupying much of the western region, and the High Plains to the east. However, the pristine settings and backdrops offered by several mountain ranges such as the Tetons and the Sierra Madre offer many opportunities for fun activities.
For instance, the Killpecker Sand Dunes near Rock Springs are an off-roader’s playground, with the Boar’s Tusk close by. There are natural tours of the Red Desert and the Wind River Mountains. Potential hunters may need to get their licenses in order and declare open season on the waterfowl at the Fort Laramie Waterfowl Preserve; the activity can help people who have never experienced an ounce of country life by teaching them survival skills.
People who have decided to stay longer in Wyoming and pay tribute to its cowboy past can consider going on wagon train rides. The activity alone holds a variety of adventure opportunities, such as gold panning, horseback riding, overnight camps out in the forest, and tours of the state’s wilderness areas.

There’s nothing not to like about the great outdoors in Big Wyoming. The place can also be therapeutic for people seeking some release from the stress of work.    

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Herding Cattle in the Ranch? Just Trot Back and Forth

If you're that one man on horseback in a cattle ranch responsible for managing dozens of heads, what do you do if you want the herd to move? Cattle handling expert Bud Williams offers a simple three-step idea to herding cattle, whether it's a small herd or one with enough cattle to shoot a Marlboro commercial. You already fulfilled half of the requirement to pull this off by being on horseback; although riding an all-terrain vehicle would work, as would doing it on foot.

The herding technique involves shuttling back and forth in a straight or slight arc profile to force the cattle to group together in a loose bunch. Don't mind any stragglers as they'll come looking for the safety of the herd eventually. As soon as this bunch grows more compact, put more pressure on the herding by inching slightly toward the direction you want the herd to move. Continue doing this until the herd has finally reached the place you want them to be.

Every seasoned cowhand knows that this method can be useful if you're practicing rotational grazing in your ranch. You can have the cattle herd move to another patch of grass when necessary with this simple technique. To enhance the effects of the herding technique, Williams recommends wearing a “predatory” stare. That way, the cattle will be intimidated into bunching up and seeking safety in numbers.